MFN Resource Library
Zero Emission in Freight Letter Submitted by MFN to EPA on October 26, 2021
Moving Forward Network
October 26, 2021
On October 26, 2021, MFN submitted this letter to the EPA which illustrates the need for EPA to prioritize environmental justice in freight impacted communities by aggressively advancing zero-emission technology and solutions across the freight sector.
As stated in the letter, there is a critical need for immediate actions to be taken. With people’s health on the line, the EPA must move a Zero Emissions agenda, which crosses the freight transportation sector and prioritizes environmental justice communities.
The freight transportation system is one of the largest sources of pollution across the country. Freight transportation relies on thousands upon thousands of diesel trucks, locomotives, ships and cargo handling equipment, aimed at moving huge volumes of goods from places of its origin to the marketplace and doorsteps. Presently, this system contributes to significant amounts of localized pollution in areas that are already overburdened by pollution. All of which generates a significant amount of pollution that contributes to an ongoing health crisis in environmental justice communities and the climate crisis across the globe.
It’s time that the EPA takes action!
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