MFN Resource Library

Welcome to the Moving Forward Network Resource Library. Here you will find PDF documents relating to studies and reports on the topics of public health, labor, trucks, locomotives, maritime vessels, inland & sea ports, and our mission.

The resources in this library are not intended to indicate support or agreement from MFN and its members related to policy approaches, technologies, fuels, legal or any other opinion. Rather, it is intended to provide data, information, and considerations to support and inform MFN and its members’ advocacy. If you have any needs for specific resources, please contact us at

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Moving Forward Network & International Shipping

Moving Forward Network & International Shipping

Canada: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Canada: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Columbia: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Columbia: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Marshall Islands: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Marshall Islands: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Nigeria: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Nigeria: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Panama: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Panama: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Senegal: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Senegal: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Sierra Leone: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Sierra Leone: International Shipping & Ocean-going Vessels

Zero-Emissions for Heavy-Duty Trucks

Zero-Emissions for Heavy-Duty Trucks

¡Máquinas de Cero Emisiones en los Camiones de Carga!

¡Máquinas de Cero Emisiones en los Camiones de Carga!

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the Heavy-Duty Omnibus Regulation

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the Heavy-Duty Omnibus Regulation

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Comprendiendo la Regulación General de Servicio Pesado

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Comprendiendo la Regulación General de Servicio Pesado

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the Heavy-Duty Truck Rule

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the Heavy-Duty Truck Rule

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Regulacion de Camiones Pesados

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Regulacion de Camiones Pesados

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the GHG Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Phase 3 Rule

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the GHG Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Phase 3 Rule

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Estándares de Emisión de Gases de Invernadero para Camiones Pesados Regulación Fase 3

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Estándares de Emisión de Gases de Invernadero para Camiones Pesados Regulación Fase 3

Key Facts For Community Members: Advanced Clean Truck Rule

Key Facts For Community Members: Advanced Clean Truck Rule

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Comprendiendo la Regulación Avanzada de Camiones Limpios

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Comprendiendo la Regulación Avanzada de Camiones Limpios

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the Advanced Clean Fleets Rule

Key Facts For Community Members: Understanding the Advanced Clean Fleets Rule

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Comprendiendo la Regulación Avanzada de Flotas Limpias

Datos Clave para Miembros de la Comunidad: Comprendiendo la Regulación Avanzada de Flotas Limpias

The Truth Behind Pushback

The Truth Behind Pushback

Trade, Health, Environment: Making the Case for Change

Trade, Health, Environment: Making the Case for Change

Clean Cargo: A Guide to Reducing Diesel Air Pollution from the Freight Industry in Your Community

Clean Cargo: A Guide to Reducing Diesel Air Pollution from the Freight Industry in Your Community

Living Near Diesel Infographic

Living Near Diesel Infographic

Appendix: Union of Concerned Scientists Methodology to Assess Truck Emissions for Different Technologies

Appendix: Union of Concerned Scientists Methodology to Assess Truck Emissions for Different Technologies

Zero Emission in Freight Letter Submitted by MFN to EPA on October 26, 2021

Zero Emission in Freight Letter Submitted by MFN to EPA on October 26, 2021

Zero Emission in Freight Year in Review Letter Submitted by MFN to EPA on November 17, 2022

Zero Emission in Freight Year in Review Letter Submitted by MFN to EPA on November 17, 2022

Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Rail & Locomotive Docket Submitted Comments

Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Rail & Locomotive Docket Submitted Comments

Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine Standards Submitted Comments

Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine Standards Submitted Comments

Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Submitted Comments

Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Submitted Comments

Community Voices on the Experiences of Community-Based Participatory Research in the Environmental Justice Movement

Community Voices on the Experiences of Community-Based Participatory Research in the Environmental Justice Movement

Employment Creation through Green Locomotive Manufacturing at Wabtec’s Erie, Pennsylvania Facility

Employment Creation through Green Locomotive Manufacturing at Wabtec’s Erie, Pennsylvania Facility

Making the Invisible Visible: Shining a Light on Warehouse Truck Air Pollution

Making the Invisible Visible: Shining a Light on Warehouse Truck Air Pollution

Warehouses, Pollution, and Social Disparities

Warehouses, Pollution, and Social Disparities

Newark Community Impacts of Mobile Source Emissions

Newark Community Impacts of Mobile Source Emissions

Environmental Racism in the Heartland

Environmental Racism in the Heartland

For Good Jobs and Clean Air

For Good Jobs and Clean Air

Making the Case for Zero-Emission Solutions in Freight: Community Voices for Equity and Environmental Justice

Making the Case for Zero-Emission Solutions in Freight: Community Voices for Equity and Environmental Justice

Freight Automation: Danger, Threats, and Opportunities for Health and Equity

Freight Automation: Danger, Threats, and Opportunities for Health and Equity

Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0

Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0

Just Transition Fact Sheet 2016

Just Transition Fact Sheet 2016

Air Pollution and Early Deaths in the United States. Part I: Quantifying the Impact of Major Sectors in 2005

Air Pollution and Early Deaths in the United States. Part I: Quantifying the Impact of Major Sectors in 2005

San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan 2017

San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan 2017

Zero-Emissions Technology for Freight: Heavy-Duty Trucks Tools to Advocate for Zero-Emissions Technology

Zero-Emissions Technology for Freight: Heavy-Duty Trucks Tools to Advocate for Zero-Emissions Technology

MFN Heavy Duty Vehicle and Engine Emission Warranty and Maintenance Provisions Comments to EPA (HDT)

MFN Heavy Duty Vehicle and Engine Emission Warranty and Maintenance Provisions Comments to EPA (HDT)

MFN Advanced Clean Trucks Rule, ZE Airport Shuttle Rule, and ZE Powertrain Certification Rule Comments to EPA (HDT)

MFN Advanced Clean Trucks Rule, ZE Airport Shuttle Rule, and ZE Powertrain Certification Rule Comments to EPA (HDT)

MFN Omnibus Low NOx Regulation Comments to EPA (HDT)

MFN Omnibus Low NOx Regulation Comments to EPA (HDT)

The Future of Transportation

The Future of Transportation

Automation and a Changing Economy

Automation and a Changing Economy

Zero-Emission Drayage Trucks

Zero-Emission Drayage Trucks

The Big Rig Overhaul: Restoring Middle-class Jobs at America’s Ports Through Labor Law Enforcement

The Big Rig Overhaul: Restoring Middle-class Jobs at America’s Ports Through Labor Law Enforcement

Ready for Work: Now Is the Time for Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles

Ready for Work: Now Is the Time for Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles

Comparison of Medium- and Heavy- Duty Technologies in California

Comparison of Medium- and Heavy- Duty Technologies in California

Cleaner Fuels for Ships Provide Public Health Benefits with Climate Tradeoffs

Cleaner Fuels for Ships Provide Public Health Benefits with Climate Tradeoffs

Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021

Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021

Job Displacement and Mortality: An Analysis Using Administrative Data

Job Displacement and Mortality: An Analysis Using Administrative Data

The Maritime Fleet of the USA

The Maritime Fleet of the USA

Regulated Slow Steaming in Maritime Transport

Regulated Slow Steaming in Maritime Transport

Why Regional and Long-Haul Trucks Are Primed for Electrification Now

Why Regional and Long-Haul Trucks Are Primed for Electrification Now

Monetized Health Benefits Attributable to Mobile Source Emission Reductions Across the US in 2025

Monetized Health Benefits Attributable to Mobile Source Emission Reductions Across the US in 2025

Freedom to Regulate the High Seas

Freedom to Regulate the High Seas

Maritime Port Clean Energy Infrastructure Jobs Study

Maritime Port Clean Energy Infrastructure Jobs Study

Future Maritime Fuels in the USA

Future Maritime Fuels in the USA

Maritime Subsidies Do They Provide Value for Money?

Maritime Subsidies Do They Provide Value for Money?

Policy Options for Closing the Competitiveness Gap Between Fossil and Zero-emission Fuels in Shipping

Policy Options for Closing the Competitiveness Gap Between Fossil and Zero-emission Fuels in Shipping

An Assessment of Macroeconomic Impacts of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Transporation Technologies in the US

An Assessment of Macroeconomic Impacts of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Transporation Technologies in the US

Ports Initiative Workgroup Report

Ports Initiative Workgroup Report

Moving Zero-Emisson Freight Toward Commercialization

Moving Zero-Emisson Freight Toward Commercialization

Truck Driver Misclassification

Truck Driver Misclassification

Case Study of the San Pedro Bay Ports’ Clean Air Action Plan 2006–2018

Case Study of the San Pedro Bay Ports’ Clean Air Action Plan 2006–2018

Urban Goods Movement and Local Climate Action Plans

Urban Goods Movement and Local Climate Action Plans

All Aboard: How the Biden-Harris Administration Can Help Ships Kick Fossil Fuels

All Aboard: How the Biden-Harris Administration Can Help Ships Kick Fossil Fuels

Charging Ahead: The Port Community Electric Vehicle Blueprint

Charging Ahead: The Port Community Electric Vehicle Blueprint

Rising Temperatures, Worsening Ozone Pollution

Rising Temperatures, Worsening Ozone Pollution

Clean Trucks, Clean Air, American Jobs

Clean Trucks, Clean Air, American Jobs

Estimating the Infrastructure Needs and Costs for the Launch of Zero-emissions Trucks

Estimating the Infrastructure Needs and Costs for the Launch of Zero-emissions Trucks

Analysis of Diesel Particulate Matter Health Risk Disparities in Selected US Harbor Areas

Analysis of Diesel Particulate Matter Health Risk Disparities in Selected US Harbor Areas

Automated Trucking: Federal Agencies Should Take Additional Steps to Prepare for Potential Workforce Effects

Automated Trucking: Federal Agencies Should Take Additional Steps to Prepare for Potential Workforce Effects

Jemez Principles

Jemez Principles

Avol Testimony

Avol Testimony

Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from Locomotive Engines and Marine Compression Ignition Engines

Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from Locomotive Engines and Marine Compression Ignition Engines

The Principles of Environmental Justice (EJ) 

The Principles of Environmental Justice (EJ) 

National Port Strategy Assessment: Reducing Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases at US Ports

National Port Strategy Assessment: Reducing Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases at US Ports

The Future of Warehouse Work

The Future of Warehouse Work

Barriers to Innovation and Automation in Railway Regulation

Barriers to Innovation and Automation in Railway Regulation

Race​ ​and​ ​Jobs​ ​at​ ​High​ ​Risk​ ​to​ ​Automation

Race​ ​and​ ​Jobs​ ​at​ ​High​ ​Risk​ ​to​ ​Automation

“Just Transition”–Just What Is It?

“Just Transition”–Just What Is It?

2018 National Economic Impact of the U.S. Coastal Port System: Executive Summary

2018 National Economic Impact of the U.S. Coastal Port System: Executive Summary

Job Demands, Job Decision Latitude, and Mental Strain: Implications for Job Redesign

Job Demands, Job Decision Latitude, and Mental Strain: Implications for Job Redesign

Long-Term Coarse Particulate Matter Exposure Is Associated with Asthma

Long-Term Coarse Particulate Matter Exposure Is Associated with Asthma

Chronic Exposure to Fine Particles and Mortality: An Extended Follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities Study from 1974 to 2009

Chronic Exposure to Fine Particles and Mortality: An Extended Follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities Study from 1974 to 2009

Ambient Neighbourhood Noise and Children’s Mental Health

Ambient Neighbourhood Noise and Children’s Mental Health

Noise and Health – Effects of Low Frequency Noise and Vibrations: Environmental and Occupational Perspectives

Noise and Health – Effects of Low Frequency Noise and Vibrations: Environmental and Occupational Perspectives

Noise Annoyance Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in the General Population

Noise Annoyance Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in the General Population

The Adverse Effects of Environmental Noise Exposure on Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Risk

The Adverse Effects of Environmental Noise Exposure on Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Risk

Cardiovascular Effects of Environmental Noise Exposure

Cardiovascular Effects of Environmental Noise Exposure

Mortality Risk and Fine Particulate Air Pollution in a Large, Representative Cohort of U.S. Adults

Mortality Risk and Fine Particulate Air Pollution in a Large, Representative Cohort of U.S. Adults

Intrauterine Inflammation and Maternal Exposure to Ambient PM2.5 during Preconception and Specific Periods of Pregnancy: The Boston Birth Cohort 

Intrauterine Inflammation and Maternal Exposure to Ambient PM2.5 during Preconception and Specific Periods of Pregnancy: The Boston Birth Cohort 

A Statewide Nested Case-control Study of Preterm Birth and Air Pollution by Source and Composition: California 2001-2008

A Statewide Nested Case-control Study of Preterm Birth and Air Pollution by Source and Composition: California 2001-2008

The Adverse Effects of Environmental Noise Exposure on Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Risk

Association of Major California Freight Railyards with Asthma-related Pediatric Emergency Department Hospital Visits

A Study of Twelve Southern California Communities with Differing Levels and Types of Air Pollution

A Study of Twelve Southern California Communities with Differing Levels and Types of Air Pollution

Separate and Unequal: Residential Segregation and Estimated Cancer Risks Associated with Ambient Air Toxics in U.S. Metropolitan Areas

Separate and Unequal: Residential Segregation and Estimated Cancer Risks Associated with Ambient Air Toxics in U.S. Metropolitan Areas

Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in California

Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in California

Racial Disparities in the Health Effects from Air Pollution: Evidence from Ports

Racial Disparities in the Health Effects from Air Pollution: Evidence from Ports

Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 39

Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 39

FAA Automation in the Railroad Industry

FAA Automation in the Railroad Industry

Assessment of the Applicability of Cooperative Vehicle Highway Automation Systems

Assessment of the Applicability of Cooperative Vehicle Highway Automation Systems

Maritime Freight: Local and Global Impacts, Technologies and Considerations

Maritime Freight: Local and Global Impacts, Technologies and Considerations