Moving Forward:
Demand Zero Emission Freight NowEnvironmental justice communities and frontline workers bear the brunt of climate impacts and local pollution from ports and freight transportation.

Photo by Anthony Victoria
We demand environmental justice and equity across the freight sector for our communities now!
Freight transportation relies on a myriad of trucks, trains, and ships traversing through our communities to move goods from place to place. All of which generates a significant amount of localized pollution in environmental justice communities and for frontline workers while exacerbating the climate crisis across the country.
A zero emissions freight system is required to reach environmental justice
The voices from environmental justice communities and frontline workers must not only be included – but centered – as we turn towards new solutions for a zero emission future. Moving Forward Network (MFN) and its members are deeply committed to advancing environmental justice, equity, economic justice, and a just transition.

Photo by Anthony Victoria
The Three Main Goals of the Zero Emission in Freight Campaign

Prioritize environmental justice across the freight transportation system.

Commit to eliminating pollution across the freight transportation system.

Take actionable measures to protect communities most burdened by the effects of an expanding freight transportation system and deadly diesel emissions.
Lyric Video: Their Pollution, Our Solution
This illustrated lyric video showcases our MFN member-led EJ song that speaks power directly to the EPA and the White House. Their Pollution, Our Solution was created by MFN member Dr. Bruce Strouble and rapper KXNG Crooked, and features the voices of seven of our MFN members!
The EPA and the White House MUST align their actions to their statements and prioritize environmental justice across the freight system — including stronger emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks. We need a stronger final Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas rule now. The EPA and the White House must stop choking frontline communities with empty promises.
Learn more about our 2022 Kayak Activation in the Port of Los Angeles
MFN letter to the Biden Administration demanding a commitment to a 100% zero-emission freight industry!
In January 2024, the Moving Forward Network (MFN) submitted this letter to the Biden Administration on behalf of MFN’s 50 member organizations and 23 endorsing organizations. The letter asks for a two-fold commitment, which centers the leadership and expertise from frontline and fenceline communities:
- A commitment to a 100% zero-emission freight industry, and
- The pursuit of a zero-emission freight strategy.
We urge the Biden Administration to publicly declare a national goal of transitioning to a 100% zero-emission freight industry and to organize an environmental justice-centered roundtable by the end of August 2024.
We are at a pivotal moment, and the Biden Administration can set a transformative course for environmental justice and climate action. A commitment to a 100% zero-emission freight sector, underpinned by a justice-centered strategy, will enhance our nation’s environmental and public health and bolster economic growth by advancing green technologies and job creation
MFN Letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) demanding environmental justice and equity across the freight sector for our communities now!
In October 26, 2021, MFN submitted this letter to the EPA which illustrates the need for EPA to prioritize environmental justice in freight impacted communities by aggressively advancing zero-emission technology and solutions across the freight sector.
As stated in the letter, there is a critical need for immediate actions to be taken. With people’s health on the line, the EPA must move a Zero Emissions agenda, which crosses the freight transportation sector and prioritizes environmental justice communities.
The freight transportation system is one of the largest sources of pollution across the country. Freight transportation relies on thousands upon thousands of diesel trucks, locomotives, ships and cargo handling equipment, aimed at moving huge volumes of goods from places of its origin to the marketplace and doorsteps. Presently, this system contributes to significant amounts of localized pollution in areas that are already overburdened by pollution. All of which generates a significant amount of pollution that contributes to an ongoing health crisis in environmental justice communities and the climate crisis across the globe.
It’s time that the EPA takes action!
Fall 2022 Update: Read our 1 year in review letter to the EPA
MFN’s Research Brief
The Making the Case for Zero-Emission Solutions in Freight brief is a working document that centers community knowledge and expertise and identifies local solutions that call for community, industry, labor, government, and political action with the goal of advancing equity, environmental justice, and a zero emissions focused just transition. In this report, MFN outlines the ways that freight emissions jeopardize the health of communities of color and low income communities, while also significantly contributing to climate change. The brief also provides community envisioned solutions, policy tools, technological considerations, and key recommendations.
Sign up for updates on the Moving Forward: Demand Zero Emission Freight Now campaign
The voices from environmental justice communities and frontline workers must not only be included – but centered – as we turn towards new solutions for a zero emission future. MFN and its members are deeply committed to advancing environmental justice, equity, economic justice, and a just transition.