Health Study of the BNSF San Bernardino Railyard suggests increased adverse health outcomes, especially for children

Loma Linda University has released a major health study on the BNSF San Bernardino Railyard, Project ENRRICH: A Public Health Assessment of Residential Proximity to a Goods Movement Railyard.

Source; CCAEJ

Study contributors included Moving Forward Network participant Center for Community Advocacy and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ) and its Director, Penny Newman.

This study, which evaluated the “relationship between adverse health effects for residents and proximity to the (railyard)”, is a logical followup to the 2008 Health Risk Assessment of this railyard, which showed it to be the most dangerous railyard in the State of California, in terms of community health risk.

Study findings suggest “elevations in the prevalence of adverse health outcomes among participants living and/or attending school near the SBR, compared to residents in the background regions outside the CARB-identified RIZ. Not unexpectedly, the prevalence of health effects was stronger for children than for adults, but, overall, there was a consistent trend across endpoints. “

 The complete study report and other background information may be found in the Moving Forward Network BNSF San Bernardino Railyard Collection.