On Friday, the USC Community Outreach and Engagement Program hosted a wonderful webinar “Communicating Research on Diesel and Your Health” on behalf of the Moving Forward Network – the first of a new Research in Action series.
The webinar was a great learning experience and lots of fun. We heard very useful communications tips from the program’s outreach coordinator Carla Truax, got great guidance on creating infographics from Wendy Gutschow, project coordinator, and learned about conducting community research on diesel exhaust from Dr. Sheryl Magzamen, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Colorado State University.
Major takeways for me were Carla Truax’s excellent and very practical health communications principles, Wendy Gutschow’s tool tips and guidance on creating infographics, and valuable insight from Sheryl Magzamen on conducting community research and her “Diesel 101” presentation.
Presentations were followed by a very spirited and informative question and answer session.
To learn more about the webinar and view the presentations, check out the USC blog post, Webinar on Research Communication. Don’t forget to subscribe to their emails to get advance notice on future webinars!