The California EPA recently awarded over $1 million in Environmental Justice grants to 25 organizations, including four members of the Moving Foward Network, the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ) in the Inland Empire, Comite Civico del Valle in the Imperial Valley, East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (EYCEJ), near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and the Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), in the San Diego metropolitan area.
For more information, check out the grant descriptions below, or the California EPA link at the end of this post.
Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ), Inland Empire, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties ($50,000) CCAEJ will expand the Inland Valley Environmental Justice Task to identify environmental hazards and seek solutions with governmental partners, through community education forums, trainings and environmental justice learning tours. CCAEJ will promote community capacity building and increase awareness of environmental health hazards.
Comité Cívico del Valle, Inc. (CCV), Statewide ($45,546) CCV will produce an operational manual and user guidebook for the Identifying Violations Affecting Neighborhoods (IVAN) Network system, a community-based environmental reporting system, currently being utilized in seven locations throughout California, including Imperial Valley, Coachella Valley, Wilmington in the Los Angeles area, Bay View Hunters Point in San Francisco, Kings, Fresno, and Kern Counties.
East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (EYCEJ), Los Angeles County, Commerce and Long Beach ($50,000) EYCEJ, in partnership with academic researchers, will conduct a seven week summer research program for its members to develop research from community experiences in East and South Los Angeles and Long Beach. EYCEJ will share research findings in a symposium.
Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), San Diego County, National City, Paradise Creek, Marina District ($50,000) EHC will facilitate community participation in the design process for the housing, parks, and paths in National City, Paradise Creek, and the Marina District in San Diego. EHC will also promote access to state and local incentives to support installation of renewable energy in San Diego. EHC will give its Environmental Justice Leadership training to National City community residents.
CalEPA Funding for Environmental Justice Grants Doubles for Second Consecutive Year