Source: Port of Los Angeles |
As we reported in Port of Los Angeles violated legal agreement to lower pollution at China Shipping terminal, the Port of Los Angeles failed in its responsibility to the community and damaged the health of nearby residents by allowing the China Shipping Terminal to exceed court-ordered pollution limits for years.
China Shipping is owned by the government of the People’s Republic of China.
In response, a group of Southern California air pollution scientists and other area university faculty have called on the Port of Los Angeles to fully disclose China Shipping’s non-compliance and air pollution emissions, and appoint an independent third party group to monitor China Shipping for compliance.
Their conclusion:
The Port of L.A.’s failure to require China Shipping to fully mitigate its diesel exhaust and noise exposures for more than 4-5-6 + years has clearly presented increased exposure and an added health burden to nearby residents, especially to the lower income and primarily minority communities living in the vicinity of the Port of Los Angeles. We urge the Port to:
1. Conduct a study of the tons of excess emissions from China Shipping added to the community and include results of that study in the DEIR for this project.
2. Publically post online China Shipping’s tenant surveys collected by Starcrest Consulting about the China Shipping marine terminal’s compliance with mitigation measures – since the time these surveys started to be collected and going forward Also include copies of these Tenant Surveys of China Shipping in the DEIR for this project.
3. Appoint an independent third-party oversight committee to monitor the China Shipping agreements and compliance dates.
The complete memo is linked below for your review, followed by two news articles on the subject.
Memo from Southern California Air Pollution Scientists and other university faculty to the Port of Los Angeles
News Articles
China Shipping Mitigation: Port’s Failure Reignites Calls for Fundamental Change, Random Lengths
Port of L.A. addressing unfinished pollution-control measures under China Shipping settlement, Daily Breeze