The EPA has done much to embed Environmental Justice into how the agency works, including development of tools like the EJSCREEN Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool, the Making a Visible Difference in Communities program, the EJ Collaborative Problem-Solving Model, and the Incorporating Environmental Justice into Rulemaking plan.
However, EPA regulations are often ineffective at preventing environmental injustice. The EPA Inspector General found that part of the problem is insufficient consideration of EJ in the rulemaking process.
To resolve that problem, the IG made a number of recommendations regarding the development and use of EJ guidance, and EPA offices set dates for implementing them. Much focus was placed on completing the draft Draft Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis (linked below) by February, 2016.
For more details, see:
At a Glance (With report summary) EPA Inspector General
Cleaning Up Communities: EPA Can Increase Impact of Environmental Justice on Agency Rulemaking by Meeting Commitments and Measuring Adherence to Guidance (September 3, 2015 IG Audit Report)
Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice During the
Development of Regulatory Actions (aka EJ in Rulemaking Guide, May 2015)
Draft Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis (aka EJ Technical Guidance, April 2013)