Every month, portable air monitoring capabilities improve, and more community groups use the tools to monitor and map air quality in their neighborhoods. Here are a few highlights of the recent news.
Group Against Smog Pollution (GASP) bicycle-mounted air monitoring program (Pittsburg PA)
GASP worked with Carnegie Mellon University’s Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) to build a bicycle-based air monitoring system to measure fine particulate matter (PM 2.5). Bicyclists check out an air monitor and GPS unit for a week at a time. When they return the monitor, air quality data is added to this map.
How Portable Air Sensors Are Changing Pollution Detection
Citylab just published an excellent article, which describes several projects, including Google’s air quality monitoring program, which started with a huge network of sensors monitoring indoor air quality in Google’s buildings, and was recently expanded to mobile outdoor air pollution monitors in the Bay area.