This initiative was announced in 2014, in Kicking Vehicle Efficiency into High Gear, and the Obama administration has been working on developing the rules since then. Perhaps because of this effort, this initiative, unlike most other Administration environmental proposals, has few opponents. It is strongly backed by both environmental groups and the trucking industry, which has not seen significant increases in fuel efficiency for decades.
These standards will raise the bar from big rig fuel standards issued in 2011, which require fuel consumption reductions of up to 20 percent by 2018.
Inside sources say that the rule will require increases in fuel economy of 40 percent or more by 2025 or 2027 – a move that would very likely drive a dramatic reduction in diesel exhaust air pollution.
For more information, check out this morning’s article in E&E Publishing’s Climatewire – Obama admin set to release mandatory carbon cuts for heavy-duty vehicles.
A story published Monday in the National Journal has an interesting political analysis – This Industry Is About to Get Regulated by The EPA. Why Isn’t Anyone Mad?