Kansas City, Kansas community group calls for zero emissions from polluting BNSF Argentine Rail Yard

I am so proud of my friends with the Argentine/Turner Good Neighbor Committee, a Kansas City, Kansas community organization.
In under 2 years, they became citizen scientists, monitored air quality at homes near the fence line of the BNSF Argentine Rail Yard, found dangerous levels of diesel exhaust pollution, informed the EPA and Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and asked BNSF to find a solution.
How did they do it?  Hard work, dedication, inspiration, and help and advice from Moving Forward Network members and others, including Region 7 of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Among their requests of BNSF, “To develop a plan to move toward zero emissions beyond their fence line as soon as possible…”

KCTV5 was amazing – reporter Erika Tallan interviewed members and came to the meeting, and their cameraman did a great job of catching the action!
To learn more, check out: