Don’t miss this month’s issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, which adds to the list of medical problems linked to particulate matter and diesel exhaust.
Fine Particulate Matter Components and Emergency Department Visits for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases in the St. Louis, Missouri–Illinois, Metropolitan Area links congestive heart failure hospital visits and elemental carbon, a component of and marker for diesel exhaust pollution. It also identified associations between air pollution and other serious medical problems.
Source: Clean Air Task Force |
Air Pollution and Diabetes Risk: Assessing the Evidence to Date links air pollution to diabetes, and identifies the suspected pathway to be inflammation caused by particulate matter.
Prospective Study of Ambient Particulate Matter Exposure and Risk of Pulmonary Embolism in the Nurses’ Health Study Cohort associates exposure to particulate matter with pulmonary embolism, “the most serious manifestation of venous thromboembolism and a leading cause of sudden death.”