The controversial expansion of Port Everglades continues, with construction of new roadways into the port’s Intermodal Container Transfer Facility. Planned dredging to as deep as 57 feet and destruction of over 20 acres of coral reef is strongly opposed by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
Responding to the issuance of a draft Environmental Impact Statement, the NMFS said the U.S Army Corps of Engineers “significantly understates the project’s impacts to seagrass, coral reef and mangrove habitat” and underestimates the amount of work that would be needed to mitigate the damage.”
In a strongly worded letter, the Everglades Law Center, writing on behalf of the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations, blasted the Corps of Engineers for violating the National Environmental Policy Act and Endangered Species Act.
For more information:
Port Everglades to strengthen its landside connections, Container Management (February 2, 2015)
MFN Library Port Everglades collection
Port of Miami and Port Everglades facilities profile, THE Impact Project
Port Everglades expansion projected effects on sea level rise, Broward Sierra News
Army Corps of Engineers Port Everglades site