Ongoing Bayonne Bridge project is the topic of public meeting next week
Come voice your complaints and issues — whether they be positive or negative — with the Bayonne Bridge construction project at a public meeting next week.
City Council President Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski and Councilman Tom Cotter will host the meeting on the topic of the $1.3 billion “Raise the Roadway” project at 7 p.m. on Monday at 174 Broadway.
Mayor Jimmy Davis is also expected to be at the meeting.
“The reconstruction of the Bayonne Bridge has raised major quality-of-life issues for our Bergen Point neighborhood,” Ashe-Nadrowski said in a press release.
“This meeting will provide an opportunity for residents to express their concerns and share information with us. As downtown residents ourselves, we look forward to this meeting with our neighbors.”
Cotter said in a press release that, “Addressing residents’ concerns about the Bayonne Bridge is my top neighborhood issue as your new First Ward Council Member.
“The bridge-raising project has caused a variety of problems in the First Ward. This meeting is just the beginning of the steps that we will take to respond to the needs of the people who live near the Bayonne Bridge.”