Earthjustice sent the attached email asking individuals and groups to sign on to their letter to the EPA. Please check it out, and support it if you agree!
I want to bring to your attention a timely opportunity to call on the Obama administration to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals, improve chemical safety, and slow the creation of new Superfund sites through more effective oversight of companies reclaiming hazardous waste.
Since 1982, toxic releases from hazardous waste recycling have caused over 200 documented cases of environmental damage, poisoning air, water and soil with potent neurotoxins and carcinogens. The EPA has proposed a new rule called the Definition of Solid Waste Rule (DSW) under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) that will require greater chemical safety in in the management of 1.8 million tons of hazardous wastes, predominantly in communities of color and in low-income communities. This is a critical step to protect the health of communities near scrap metal yards, refineries, chemical plants, smelters, battery recyclers, mines and other facilities that reclaim hazardous waste.
Please join us in signing on to this letter, calling on the Obama Administration to provide stronger safeguards from hazardous chemicals for fence-line communities. The SIGN-ON DEADLINE is Close of Business on June 20th. To ensure broad support for this letter, we count on partners like you to distribute this opportunity widely and encourage others to sign-on.
· TO VIEW THE FULL LETTER AND SIGN ON please click on the following link: d/1yo- zSHnkDkvAomumxe5zhlJaQ7cPZpIaM mRoZGcRO-g/viewform?c=0&w=1& usp=mail_form_link
· SIGN-ON CONFIRMATION: Upon completion of the online sign-on form, you should receive a confirmation e-mail.
· TROUBLE VIEWING OR SIGNING ON? please contact me immediately or my colleague Debra Mayfield who I am CC’ing in this e-mail.
In advance, thank you for taking the time to support this effort and we hope to see you/your organization among the list of supporters. If you have any questions or would like more information, don’t hesitate to reach out.
All the best,
Andrea Liliana Delgado
Legislative Representative | Environmental Health
Earthjustice Policy & Legislation Office
T: 202.797.5240
C: 202.230.6592
Twitter: @Andrea_Delgado7