New Rule Proposed to Protect LA residents from Port Pollution
Moving Forward Network participants work hard to protect residents of Los Angeles and other cities from port and other goods movement pollution. One of the ways they do it is by participating in the activities of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD).
The Port of Long Beach and Port of Los Angeles are a huge source of pollution in the Los Angeles area. In 2008, according to the SCAQMD port-related sources emitted approximately 4 tons per day of Particulate Matter 2.5, 79 tons of Nitrogen Oxide, and 26 tons of Sulphur Oxides, which are PM2.5 precursors.
Andrea Hricko and Angelo Logan are members of the SCAQMD Environmental Justice Advisory Group. Both had input into a proposed new rule that will require the ports to prepare annual emissions reductions plans, and monitor and achieve their emission reduction targets.
“We need more than just a handshake. We need something that has teeth, that’s binding and will make sure the ports fulfill their promise to the community.” The proposed rule is supported by a many community and environmental groups in the L.A. area, including several associated with the Moving Forward Network, and opposed by the ports and many business organizations. For more details, check out the links below. (Source: SCAQMD)
Proposed Rule 4001Maintenance of AQMP Emission Reduction Targets at Commercial Marine Ports