MFN Resource Library
Urban Goods Movement and Local Climate Action Plans
Assessing Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Freight Transportation
Andrew R. Goetz and Serena Alexander
This project examines how freight transport/goods movement has been addressed in U.S. city climate action planning. Transportation generally is a major contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and freight transport represents a growing component of transportation’s share. Almost all climate action plans (CAPs) address transportation generally, but we wished to focus on efforts to reduce GHG emissions from freight transport specifically.
The resources in this library are not intended to indicate support or agreement from MFN and its members related to policy approaches, technologies, fuels, legal or any other opinion. Rather, it is intended to provide data, information, and considerations to support and inform MFN and its members' advocacy. If you have any needs for specific resources, please contact us at