MFN Resource Library
Policy Options for Closing the Competitiveness Gap Between Fossil and Zero-emission Fuels in Shipping
Getting to Zero Coalition
Isabelle Rojon, Dr. Alison Shaw, Dr. Lau Blaxekjær, Asya Kulaksiz
November 2021
This insight brief explains which policy options could help close the competitiveness gap and enable an equitable transition. It considers policy options including: economic instruments, direct regulatory approaches, information programmes, voluntary action, government provision of public goods & services/national & regional measures.
The resources in this library are not intended to indicate support or agreement from MFN and its members related to policy approaches, technologies, fuels, legal or any other opinion. Rather, it is intended to provide data, information, and considerations to support and inform MFN and its members' advocacy. If you have any needs for specific resources, please contact us at