MFN Resource Library
Making the Case for Zero-Emission Solutions in Freight
Community Voices for Equity and Environmental Justice
Moving Forward Network (MFN)
May 2021
The Making the Case for Zero-Emission Solutions in Freight brief is a working document that centers community knowledge and expertise and identifies local solutions that call for community, industry, labor, government, and political action with the goal of advancing equity, environmental justice, and a zero-emissions focused just transition. In this report, the Moving Forward Network (MFN) outlines the ways that freight emissions jeopardize the health of communities of color and low income communities, while also significantly contributing to climate change. The brief also provides community envisioned solutions, policy tools, technological considerations, and key recommendations.
The resources in this library are not intended to indicate support or agreement from MFN and its members related to policy approaches, technologies, fuels, legal or any other opinion. Rather, it is intended to provide data, information, and considerations to support and inform MFN and its members' advocacy. If you have any needs for specific resources, please contact us at