MFN Resource Library
Freedom to Regulate the High Seas
How countries can meet their Paris Agreement obligation to reduce the climate impact of international shipping without conflicting with existing international law
Aoife O’Leary
February 2022
This Opportunity Green study, commissioned by Transport & Environment, draws on analysis of international law to explore the legal implications of action by one state or multiple states outside the IMO on GHGs from the maritime sector. It finds that provided a few important legal and enforcement considerations are respected and built into the design of any policy measure, there are no legal obstacles to national or regional action, indeed, countries are obligated to take such action.
The resources in this library are not intended to indicate support or agreement from MFN and its members related to policy approaches, technologies, fuels, legal or any other opinion. Rather, it is intended to provide data, information, and considerations to support and inform MFN and its members' advocacy. If you have any needs for specific resources, please contact us at