MFN members CCAEJ and Earthjustice fight to stop dangerous polluting mega-warehouse complex in Moreno Valley CA

Inland Empire air pollution (source: Wikpedia)
Late last year, continuing an expensive campaign to build a pro mega-warehouse political machine in the heavily polluted Inland Empire city of Moreno Valley, California, developer Iddo Benzeevi spent over $500,000 to support three candidates for the city commission.  Two of his candidates won election, one of them by seven votes.

At stake – his long-standing proposal to build the “World Logistics Center” a warehouse complex the size of 700 football fields  that would generate over 14,000 diesel truck trips and 50,000 car trips per day, and generate huge amounts of dangerous diesel exhaust air pollution.

The State of California says the legally required environmental analysis is “legally inadequate” because it does not properly address of health risks of the air pollution it would cause, or measures to reduce pollution, such as the use of Zero Emissions trucks or other technology.

Fast forward to this week – the developer’s two favored city commission candidates and the Mayor, who he had supported in earlier elections, voted to approved the project.  The other two city commissioners voted “no”.

The lesson learned by many – money buys political power – and political power means you get what you want, even if it harms public health.

But  – though the the developer could influence city commission elections, he can’t buy Moving Forward Network members Earthjustice and Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ), or the Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity.  

These groups and others are working together to oppose this project, so expect to see them in court, fighting to protect the residents of Moreno Valley.  We’ll follow and share the news, so stay tuned!

For more current news, see:

WORLD LOGISTICS CENTER: Warehouse center could face lawsuits, Press Enterprise

Moreno Valley OKs 40 million-square-foot warehouse project, Los Angeles Times

WORLD LOGISTICS CENTER: Moreno Valley OKs megawarehouse on 3-2 vote, Press Enterprise

Moreno Valley approves 40-million-square-foot mega warehouse, KPCC

For background, check out:

Warehouse Empire, Buzzfeed

WORLD LOGISTICS CENTER: Tensions high as Moreno Valley takes on mega-warehouse proposal, Press Enterprise

MORENO VALLEY: Developer spent more than $500,000 in council races, Press Enterprise

MORENO VALLEY: Study on proposed World Logistics Center called ‘legally inadequate, Press Enterprise