Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative and 13 other organizations to conduct Health Impact Assessments on proposed policies and projects

Two great organizations have teamed to award 14 grants for Health Impact Assessments, including one to our friends at the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative!  

Highlights are below. For the full list of grants, please visit the Pew Charitable Trusts.


The Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, is delighted to announce the awarding of 14 new grants. Selected following a nationwide call for proposals, the grantees will conduct health impact assessments (HIAs) to determine the potential health impact of a broad range of proposed projects and policies and to offer practical recommendations to make well-informed policy decisions and promote good health in communities across the country. Three foundations—the de Beaumont Foundation, The California Endowment, and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation—contributed funding toward these HIAs.  

Health Impact Assessment by the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative

Through a grant to the San Francisco Study Center, the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative will conduct an HIA to inform development of the final freight component of the  Alameda County, California, Transportation Commission’s countywide transportation plan—the Alameda County Goods Movement Plan. The plan will outline a long-range strategy for moving goods efficiently, reliably, and sustainably within, to, from, and through the county by road, rail, air, and water. The HIA will address the risk of chronic illnesses, such as asthma and cardiovascular disease, associated with freight transportation and diesel pollution, among other factors, in vulnerable, low-income communities adjacent to freeways, designated truck routes, ports, rail yards, warehouses, and distribution centers. (This project is supported by funding from The California Endowment)

For more information on Health Impact Assessments, please visit the MFN Health Impact Assessments collection.